Thionville, France
+33 6 37 21 79 75
Software Engineer
Microservices, Web, Android, Robotics, Algorithms, Embedded Systems
Portrait - Louis Durand

 Currently employed at Amazon for two years as a Software Development Engineer, I am looking for new opportunities in Luxembourg to develop my career. My academic background covers areas such as Embedded Systems, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Web/Mobile development and entrepreneurship. My professional experiences at Safran Electronics & Defense first led me to work on robotics and AI projects, then on web technologies. Now at Amazon, I'm working on highly available microservices based on AWS powering staff allocation in Amazon's Fulfillment Centers around the globe.



Languages: fr French (native), gb English (TOEFL ITP 647/677, TOEFL IBT 99/120, educational and professional language for 4 years), de German (B2, german mother)
Computer Science: algorithmics, Artificial Intelligence, web development, Android, databases, agile processes, Code Reviews, Git, continuous integration, UI/integration tests (TestNG, Cypress).
Confirmed: Java, Python, Typescript/Javascript, SQL, React/Redux-Saga, C, C++, PHP
Others: Spring, Docker, Swagger, HTML, CSS, Cordova, Maple, Matlab, ASM, ADA, Lua, CAML
Cloud Computing (with AWS): CDK (infrastructure as code), CloudFormation, Lambda, DynamoDB, ECS, Cell Architecture, CloudWatch monitoring, SNS/SQS, Step Functions, Canary/Integration/Load testing
Embedded Systems:
Hardware: digital electronics, VHDL, data transmission technologies
Computer Architecture: processors and their optimizations, instruction level parallelism, cache memory architectures
Software: Arduino, compilators, control theory and robotics, real-time systems, RTOS MicroC/OS-II (Altera), OSEK, Contiki (IoT, sensor networks), programming on multiprocessors, IPC
Sciences and Research: good theoretical and mathematical knowledge, involved in research courses and activities in Télécom Bretagne and KTH. I have a strong interest in research.
Economy and Entrepreneurship: economics basics, managerial economics, marketing, ideation techniques, pitching, Open and User Innovation, 6 months Business Development Lab, creation of my own startup during a gap year.
Soft skills: autonome, expériences de travail en équipe multiculturelle et à distance.

Projects, Contests and Achievements
